Sunday, December 5, 2010

blog response #25

Write a detailed description of your “motivations” for your final self-proposed project. Why are you interested in this subject? What do you want to convey? How do you want viewers to respond? Why are you inspired to make these images/this project? Do you want to evoke emotions in viewers? Shock viewers? Make them laugh? Make them think? Inform them? Reveal something about how you see the world? Reveal something about yourself, a person, a place, a feeling, a memory, a moment in time? 

I'm interested in the concept of anti-gravity because of the aspect of distorting reality.  I want to convey a different way of looking at the world, everyone has different perceptions and it's often hard to fully accept the idea of different perspectives.  Obviously, anti-gravity isnt necessarily how people view the world differently, but i think it's an exaggerated representation of how radically different the world can look through someone else's eyes. I would really like it if these images could evoke a bit of confusion and thinking in the viewers.  Grapple with what is real and what isn't for a moment, and then come to grips with what they are seeing.

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