Sunday, November 21, 2010

Blog Response #24

A. Pick two images from any of the “constructed reality” photographers presented in class or linked on the assignment sheet. Describe how you could recreate these two images on a “smaller scale”. 

Alexa Meade
her images could be created on a smaller scale, perhaps by choosing just one body part to focus on, or maybe painting objects instead of human figures.

John Kriwol's paper realities
his images could be recreated on a smaller scale by using actual magazine pages and small objects/figures instead of people.

B. Describe your plans for your self-proposed final project (if the plan is the same as before, paste it here again and give a bit more detail). During the final critique for Assignment #5, you will discuss/present these ideas to the class. 

create and shoot compositions that create the illusion of antigravity, or distorted gravity.
ex: place subjects lying on the ground as though standing on the wall.
      create still lifes/props to enhance feeling of anti-gravity

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