I finally acquired a tripod from my friend, and was able to reshoot this image so that it would be cleaner.
Others seemed to interpret this as a lonely image. Some suggested a wider range of tones, or perhaps introducing human subjects. As a jumping off point, some ideas were to photograph lonely places, or lonely people...
This image was shot in the same area of Okemos. It is the backside of the Traveler's club, and i felt compelled to shoot the image kind of randomly. This Image was interpreted as yet another lonely image. The bright window in the middle of the night enhances this effect.
As a Jumping off point, perhaps I could shoot a series of the back side of buildings. The view from behind is always a completely different story.
This Image is the front/side of the Traveler's Club in Okemos. In the 10 years that i've lived in Okemos, I've always enjoyed the rustic feel of this area of town, but i've never looked at it critically in terms of composition. When this image was shot, i was pleasantly surprised by how the light played into the image.
Though this image was received with the similar lonely feeling, I feel as though it also shows the existence of people and company through the lights/sign left on. As a jumping off point, perhaps I could do a series of places that look recently/temporarily abandoned.
This image was taken on my way back from class one night. Consistent with the other images, this image portrays a feeling of loneliness. I liked the geometric shapes of the light and shadows of the stairs, stacking the two images was intended to create the illusion of a tall building, but also to leave it obvious that it's two separate images.
Some ideas about this image were to stack more than just two images to create the illusion of an even taller building. To jump off from there, I could stack many photos and use it to create an entire cityscape.
How do I contact you regarding using your images? Please email me at jaymatthesmusic@gmail.com as soon as possible. Would like to use one of your pictures for an upcoming album. Thank you!